Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crucifix commissioned by Archbishop Gero for Cologne (http://www.alamo.edu/sac/vat/arthistory/arts1303/027.jpg). They permitted themselves to show him weak, and crucified for the first time. It's consistently expressive of its content: extreme suffering. It was the time of Vikings, so possibly influenced by attitude.

Otto III enthroned (http://whs.eanes.k12.tx.us/art/Smaller%20Site/images/Art%20History/Chapter%2011/images/Otto%20III.Enthroned.jpg) His mother was a princess from Constantinople, and when moved took with her to Barberic, Viking-influenced western Europe. He considered himself more Byzantine because of his mother. Style changes due to influence from somewhere. After this came the Annunciation (http://www.lanecc.edu/artad/ArtHistoryProgram/images3/16.28.jpg).

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