Saturday, October 25, 2008

Illuminated Manuscripts

Vatican Vergils:
AD 400-420, based on writings by Virgil (17-90 BC), and called so because they are currently located in the Vatican in Rome. One scene is known as the Death of Dido. Dido, who was the founder of Carthage, is shown here in a funeral pyre. The story is that of Iniage. Another scene is of a Coryscus farm, located in Asia minor. In this scene, Virgil himself is portrayed carrying a stylus. It is a rustic scene, with a 3/4 view.

Vienna Genesis:
AD 500-550, in tempera paint on purple vellum. The writing is done in gold and silver, so has oxidized. One scene is that of Jacob with the angel.

Rossano Gospels:
AD 500-520, done in tempera in purple vellum, the imperial color. In one scene, Jesus and Barabus stand in front of Pontius Pilot, and Mathew writes about.

Rabbula Gospels
AD 586 (precise), now located in Florence, Italy. One scene is a crucifixion.

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